Aug 20, 2010

Walk by faith

Walk by faith, originally uploaded by jjax48.

Today's tattoo is from Ruth. She's actually an old friend who I never knew had a tattoo! :)

Her tattoo is a quote of scripture out of the Bible:

"We Walk By Faith, Not By Sight" 2 Corinthians 5:7

don't forget to send in your body art...I'm down to just a few more pictures!! I'm trying to spread them out so the more pics I get the more I will post!

Aug 13, 2010

Jason Mraz

, originally uploaded by jjax48.

As most of you know, those of you from YT anyway, I'm a huge Jason Mraz fan. So much so that I even have the Mraz lyric/title "Only Human" on my left wrist:

So I was pretty psyched when I got this anonymous mobile email the other day with another Mraz tattoo :)

Thank you, whoever you are, for sharing your body art!!